For more publications concering the Rhine, check out the ICPR website
PLAGEPOMI (2022-2027, french)
Assessment of the potential spawning ground and young fish habitats for salmon in the cantons of Aargau, Basel, Bern, Solothurn and Zürich, L. Spalinger, W. Dönni, R. Bösiger, WWF Switzerland (german)
Comeback of the salmon in Wiese, Birs und Ergolz, Statusbericht 2004. Becker A., Rey P. 2005: Vollzug Umwelt. Mitteilungen zur Fischerei Nr. 79. p 47 (german with french abstract)
Ecology of the Atlantic Salmon (Peterborough Hendry K & Cragg-Hine D, 2003) Conserving Natura 2000, Rivers Ecology, Series No.7, English Nature
The Status of Wild Atlantic Salmon : A River by River Assessment (WWF 2001) 165p.
WWF Lachs-Video - Rhine (2022)
“The salmon is back", World Fish Migration Day event 2016 in Basel, WWF Switzerland (1.01 min, 2016/05/21)
The return of salmon to Switzerland: a long and anything but tranquil journey, l'Illustré, 12 minutes, october 2022 (français)
Atlantic Salmon Summit (2015), ERN France, WWF Switzerland
Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar)
Conference of Rhine Ministers, AMSTERDAM (NL), 2020
Salmon Summer Special Launch Event, Saint Louis Buvette Basel (CH), July 13 2017
World Fish Migration Day, Basel (CH), May 20, 2016
Atlantic Salmon Summit, Huningue (FR), 1-3 October 2015
Media action in front of the EDF office, Mulhouse (FR), June 17, 2015
School kids release 3000 juvenile salmons, Birsfelden (CH), June 7th, 2014
Conference of Rhine Ministers, Basel (CH), October 20, 2013
Conference of the Rhine Ministers, Bonn (DE), 2007