The “Salmon Come Back” campaign is launched by WWF Switzerland and coordinated internationally by ERN. More than 25 other NGO’s, federal organization and private sponsors from different countries and cultures support the coalition and the campaign (see the list below). Additionally, the coalition is working together closely with national and international authorities, e.g. the ICPR.
![WWF_logo [Converted] WWF_logo [Converted]](

WWF Switzerland
WWF Switzerland belongs to the global WWF network, which is working in more than 100 countries worldwide. The overall goal is to stop the degradation of the planet’s natural environment and to build a future where humans live in harmony with nature. To achieve this, WWF helps in protecting animals, plants and habitats and in making our consumption of resources more sustainable.
ERN France
The European Rivers Network (ERN) seeks to promote the sustainable management of living European rivers and water, as opposed to the exploitation, pollution and degradation that has occurred in the past. Founded in France in 1994, ERN aims to link groups, organisations and people in the fifty major rivers basins in Europe to improve communication (environment, culture, education and human rights) to protect and restore the basic equilibrium of rivers and aquatic environments. ERN implements its own projects in French and transboundary rivers in Western Europe. ERN is based in France and holds national certificates (Agreements) by French Ministry of the Environment and has the Label “Entreprise solidaire”.
This campaign is also supported by
Other members of the coalition
WWF Netherlands, WWF France in partnership with ERN France, Staatsbosbeheer (Netherlands), AK Wasser im BBU (Germany), BUND (Germany), Aqua Viva Rheinaubund (Switzerland), Pro Natura (Switzerland), Platform Biodiversiteit Ecosystemen und Economie (Netherland), Regiowasser (Germany), Alsace Nature (France), North Atlantic Salmon Fund (NASF) (Island), European Anglers Alliance, Sportvisserij Nederland (Netherlands), Schweizerischer Fischerei-Verband (Fédération de Pêche Suisse/Federaziun Swizra da Pestga) (Switzerland), Fédération Régionale des associations de pêcheurs (Landesfischereiverband), Land Baden Württemberg (Germany), Natuurmonuments (Netherlands), Deutscher Naturschutzring (Germany), NABU (Germany), ARGE Renaturierung des Hochrheins (Switzerland), Der Atlantische Lachs (Germany), IG-LAHN (Germany), Association Internationale de Défense du Saumon Atlantique (AIDSA) (France), Loire Vivante (France), SOS Loire Vivante (France), Association de Protection du Saumon (France).