World Migratory Fish Day: Watch and share our videos

To mark World Migratory Fish Day on Saturday 25 May, ERN-SOS Loire Vivante is launching three videos about Atlantic salmon and ecological continuity. These videos are previews of remixed extracts from the documentary entitled “Pour une fois qu’il faut laisser couler”, which will be released...

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Visit to the fish passes on the Rhine

From Thursday 30 November to Friday 1 December, the ERN team travelled down the Rhine to see the progress of the fish passes under construction at the Marckholsheim and Rhinau sites. These projects, managed by EDF, represent an investment of several tens of millions of...

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Meeting with the new ICRP President on 23 May 2023

At this annual meeting, the members of the coalition will present their proposal for additional solutions for the crossing of the Vogelgrun dam including the restoration of the ecological continuity of the Grand Canal d’Alsace.

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