Rhinminister Conference in Amsterdam : NGO-Presserelease


Please read the pressrelease by the Salmoncomeback NGO Coalition  in german  or french 

The main decisions concerning Fish passability : 


->  Complete fish passability: Migratory fish shall be able to migrate from the North Sea up to the Rhine Falls at Schaffhausen and to colonise their habitats. For this purpose, on the Upper Rhine, fish passes at the barrages Rhinau (2024), Marckolsheim (2026) and Vogelgrün (as soon as possible), including in all “Schlingen” have to be operational and at least 300 further migration obstacles in the catchment area have to be made passable.


WWF Aktion / The dutch minister in Front of the symbolic dam “blocking” the acces to the conference


Visit to the fish passes on the Rhine

From Thursday 30 November to Friday 1 December, the ERN team travelled down the Rhine to see the progress of the fish passes under construction