To the new president of France:
Dear Mr. president Macron: salmons know how to swim!
“En marche!” – that’s what the salmon also wants to.. by itself and on it’s own.
EDF and the France were involved in the ICPR*, guaranteing the return of the salmon up to Basel until 2020. But instead of quickly installing fishways at the last remaining three hydropower plants which are yet not passable for fish, the environment minister Ségolène Royal and EDF seem to prefer a mobile fishpass – a highyl controversial, temporary solution. The salmons would be caught with some kind of swimming cage and be transported into the old Rhine by ships through their sluices every couple of days. In this special case, they say, normal fishways, like they are installed further downstream, would be too expensive.
The international salmoncomeback coalition is not willing to accept this reason. We demand to install ‘normal’ fishways or bypass waterways until 2020 to allow the fish to migrate by its own.
We hope that France is going to fulfill this international agreement under the new president.
*International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine