This three-day internatioal symposium (two-day conference plus one day of visits) presents :
> an overview of the obstacles to be overcome, in both fresh and sea water environments, as well as the challenges
to address (international cooperation, integrated river management, fishing, climate change, energy production…)
> the latest research findings and working groups results
> the innovative and exemplary experiences.
This event is also a place for debate where the exact timeframe of the reopening of the Rhine for salmon as far as
Basel by 2020 as well as the additional measures required to keep stable and sustainable fresh and seawater salmon
populations will be discussed.
Thursday, October 1
9h00 > Introduction and Welcome
>> Moderators : Frank Hartmann, Regierungspräsidium Karlsruhe (DE), Head of the fishery administration. Responsible for fishery and fish-habitats in the administrative district Karlsruhe. and Pierre Strosser, ACTeon environment (FR) Head of ACTeon – Innovation, Policy, Environment. Office specialising in research and consultancy
>> Jean-Marc Deichtmann, Ville de Huningue (FR), Mayor
Video (FR)
>> Philippe Goetghebeur, Agence de l’eau Rhin Meuse (FR) Assistant Director of Intervention policies. Head service « Habitats, agriculture, SAGE»
Video (FR)
>> Ruedi Bösiger, WWF Swiss (CH), Manager of the Salmon Comeback Campaign, Co Author of the Book “Salmon, the comeback of ta Fish” representing WWF in the ICPR, and Roberto Epple, ERN France (FR), Consultant & project manager for WWF International and European NGO’s, Founder and President of ERN (European Rivers Network), based in France
Video (DE, FR)
9h30 > Session 1. Migratory fish’s history in the Rhine
>> Anne Schulte, International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine (DE)
Executive Secretary. Member of the Implementation Committee of the UNECE Water Convention (Geneva)
Abstract (EN)
Presentation (DE)
Video (DE)
>> Daniel Reininger, Alsace Nature (FR)
Regional President. Previously : head of the departmental service of ONEMA
10h00 > Session 2. Moderated debate - Making the return of salmon a reality
>> Armin Weinbrenner, NASF – North Atlantic Salmon Fund (DE)
Chairman of the German section, named “WanderfischeohneGrenzen”
>> Marc de Rooy, Ministry of Infrastructure & the Environment (NL)
Chair Expert group Fish in the International Rhine Commission. Deputy Head of Unit – Unit Water quality.
>> Lukas Bamatter, BundesamtfürUmwelt BAFU (CH)
Research Assistant responsible for the rehabilitation of fish migration and various projects linked to the reintroduction of the salmon.
>> François Tissier, EDF – Electricity from France (FR)
Director “Water Environment Development” in EDFunit of production East (hydraulic plants)
>> Gerhard Bartl, Regierungspräsidium Freiburg i.Br. (DE)
Head of the fishery administration. Responsible for fishery and fish-habitats in the administrative
>> Jean Wencker, Alsace Nature and Salmon Comeback Coalition delegate (FR)
Vice-president of Alsace Nature, member ICPR and member Rhin-Meuse basin board
>> Pierre Cumin, DREAL de Bassin Rhin Meuse (FR)
Assistant Director
Moderate debate – making the turn of salmon a reality (FR, DE, NL)
11h45 > Session 3. Climate change : effects on Atlantic salmon and anadromous fishes
>> Ken Whelan, Atlantic Salmon Trust (Irlande)
Research Director. In 2009 also established a fisheries and environmental consultancy. Served as President of NASCO from 2004 to 2008
Factors affecting atlantic salmon at sea
>> Jörg Lange, Regiowasser (DE)
Impact and adaptation to climate change on rivers and the unconventional case of the Rhine basin
14h15 > Session 4 : Life cycle at sea
>> Peter Hutchinson, NASCO – North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization (England), Secretary since 2012. Chairman of NASCO’s Standing Scientific Committee from 1992 – 2013
Challenges and opportunities in managing salmon – the international aspects
>> Armin Weinbrenner, NASF – North Atlantic Salmon Fund (DE)
Chairman of the German section, named “WanderfischeohneGrenzen”
Solutions for sea fishing
15h15 > Session 5 : Estuary and connection sea/ freshwater
>> Esther Blom, WWF Netherlands (NL)
Leader Freshwater Programme. Worked for various international NGOs like the IUCN since 10 years
Haringvliet : Governement’s project for ecological continuity restoration and association’s project for habitat improvement
>> Jeroen van Herk, The New Afsluitdijk LINKit consult (NL)
Landscape ecologist working on water and nature programs. Specific on large scale fish migration facilities
Fish migration river at the IJsselmeer
>> Eddy Lammens, RWS Water, VerkeerenLeefomgeving (NL)
Senior advisor, specialist (fish)ecologie. PhD in fish ecology, working 24 years for RWS as fish specialist, member ICPR, ISC
Current situation of the fisheries in coastal zones and estuaries
>> Arjan Heinen, netVISwerk, Organization of inland and small scale coastal fishers (NL)
Advisor on Fisheries management. Technical secretary. Fisheries biologist specialised in fisheries co-management and in the management of the European eel.
Bycatch of Salmon in fisheries in the estuary
16h45 > Session 6 : Bottlenecks and solutions for migratory fish in the sea and estuaries
Reflections from symposum participants and the public
Friday, October 2
9h00 > Introduction and overview of the first day
>> Moderators : Frank Hartmann, Regierungspräsidium Karlsruhe (DE), Head of the fishery administration. Responsible for fishery and fish-habitats in the administrative district Karlsruhe. and Pierre Strosser, ACTeon environment (FR) Head of ACTeon – Innovation, Policy, Environment. Office specialising in research and consultancy
>> Ruedi Bösiger, WWF Swiss (CH), Manager of the Salmon Comeback Campaign, Co Author of the Book “Salmon, the comeback of ta Fish” representing WWF in the ICPR, and Roberto Epple, ERN France (FR), Consultant & project manager for WWF International and European NGO’s, Founder and President of ERN (European Rivers Network), based in France
9h20 > Session 7 : Spawning grounds and juvenile’s habitats
>> Lukas Bamatter, BundesamtfürUmwelt BAFU (CH)
Research Assistant responsible for the rehabilitation of fish migration and various projects linked to the reintroduction of the salmon.
Overview of potential habitat on the Rhine and focus on habitats in Switzerland
>> Johannes Abegg, Flussbau AG (CH)
Member of the Executive Board. Flussbau AG focus studies on flow and hydraulic engineering, flood protection, revitalization, sediment.
Sediment management plan of the Upper Rhine
>> Delphine Lacuisse, Engineer rivers and dams. Responsible for global studies
and Samuel Audinot, Engineer sensitive natural areas (ENS). Responsible for ENS management plan
Conseil Départemental du Haut-Rhin (FR)
Poster examples of habitats restoration in the departement of «Haut-Rhin»
10h30 > Session 8 : Continuity for migratory fish - Upstream migration
>> Marc de Rooy, Ministry of Infrastructure & the Environment (NL)
Chair Expert group Fish in the International Rhine Commission. Deputy Head of Unit – Unit Water quality.
«Innovative solution» for Vogelgrun’s dam
>> Alain Garnier, EDF (FR)
Mission water environment developmentin EDF unit of production East (hydraulic plants)
Mobile fishway system and a french solution for Vogelgrun’s dam
>> Matthias Mende, IUB Engineering AG (CH)
Technical responsible for natural waterways. Member of the project group upper Rhine in ICPR
Bottlenecks for the fish migration in the Rhine
Abstract (DE)
Presentation (DE)
Video (DE)
>> André Berne, Water Agency Seine Normandie (FR)
Territorial and maritime director downstream water of Seine rive
Dismantling of Sélune dams : The largest European dam removal project
11h45 > Session 9 : Continuity for migratory fish - Downstream migration
>> Dominique Courret, Onema, – pôle ecohydraulique (FR)
expert fishway, downstream migration specialis
Good practices for facilitating downstream migration in large and small turbines
>> Armin Peter, Peter FishConsulting (CH)
Fish biologist, since 2015 head of the company Peter FishConsulting, Until 2014 group leader at Eawag, Kastanienbaum
Swiss study for solutions for large dams
14h15 > Session 10 : Restocking - Current and future practices
>> Jörg Schneider, Büro f. fisch- und gewässerökologische Studien – BFS (DE)
Consultant, Senior scientist BFS, specialized in ecology and management of migrating fish species. Manager of salmon re-introduction programs in Hesse and Rhineland-Palatinate
Experience in Germany, success and failure
>> Olivier Sommen, Petite Camargue Alsacienne (FR)
Head of the nature reserve RN Camargue Alsacienne hatchery
Breeding practices of juvenilesalmon in the Rhine, success and failure
15h00 > Session 11 : Monitoring in sea and freshwater
>> Frederic Schaeffer, Saumon Rhin (FR)
Head of counting stations / eel programm / international relations, fish expert in ICPR group
Video monitoring on the Upper Rhine and tributaries colonization
>> Andre Breukelaar,Ministry of infrastructure and environment RWS WNZ (NL)
River research and advice. Member of the ICPR Eg Fish and Wg B
Monitoring on the Rhine with the NEDAP system, fish tagging
>> Pascal Vonlanthen, Aquabios (CH)
Since 2012 head of of the company Aquabios GmbH, and independent company working on aquatic ecology and fisheries management.
The use of genetics to evaluate Salmon reintroduction strategies
>> Frederick Whoriskey, Ocean Tracking Network (Canada)
Executive Director since 2010. Served on the Board of AquaNet (Canada’s National Centre of Excellence in Aquaculture), and Chaired the Board of the Huntsman Marine Science Centre.
Monitoring in the sea
16h30 > Session 12 : Final Debate
>> Anne Schulte, International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine (DE)
Executive Secretary. Member of the Implementation Committee of the UNECE Water Convention (Geneva)
>> Lawrence Talks, Environment Agency (UK), Editor FISH
>> Régis Thevenet, EDF – DPIH (Division Production & Ingénierie Hydraulique) (FR)
Engineer and PhD in environmental science. In charge of water environment in the central services of the production divisionand engineering hydraulics service of EDF
>> Roberto Epple, ERN France (FR)
Consultant & project manager for WWF International and European NGO’s, Founder and President of ERN (European Rivers Network), based in France
>> Samuel Gründler, SchweizerischerFischerei-Verband (CH)
Head of projects – Freshwater Programme. Worked for various international NGOs like the IUCN since 10 years
>> Esther Blom, WWF Netherlands (NL)
Leader Freshwater Programme. Worked for various international NGOs like the IUCN since 10 years